Post ads and offers in more than 1300 classified sites from all over the world. The built-in engine is super fast when it comes to the posting method and it's capable of submitting a lot of items rapidly to the database. Contains 30 main categories and many sub-categories.
Posting free classified ads has never been this easy, but not only is it easy, but its fast, really fast! As the leader in classified submission software, Creative Software Systems has done it again with another free classifieds product for free classified advertising on the Internet. CityNews free classifieds one of the top 5 free classified networks on the Internet with over 1,300 free classified sites all over the world. The entire CityNews network receives over 750,000 page views per month. Our affiliation with Citynews has allowed us to create another wonderful classified advertising software. Our new system Myfree Classifieds takes software simplicity, and blends and blends the power of classified advertising to produce one of the most powerful and stunning new classifieds submission programs ever. Myfree Classifieds packs 30 parent categories and hundreds of sub-categories into one small package to target any business or customer you desire. With our new technology your advertisements will be posted into 1,300 free classifieds ads systems worldwide under your specific category in under 10 minutes. Simplicity at it's best.
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